Netflix Social
We're entertainment's biggest fan.
We doubled Netflix's followings and became one of the most loved brands online (by more than just advertising people). We created over 3,000 pieces of original content a year which adds up to one thing getting posted every 3 hours, every day.
Art Director Club - Bronze
Spoiler Alert
Science says people don’t hate spoilers and that it only makes them want to watch more. So we created a site that spoiled the biggest TV shows and movies. It turns out people are pretty sadistic because they did it over 10 million times. This was the first thing I worked on as a professional human. It was fun.
One Show - Silver
Clio - Silver
Addy - 2 Gold, 1 Silver
Cannes - Shortlist
Farm to vagina yam lube.
A fake ad for a fake product from a real show.
Just like the pilgrims, we made a sweater go viral.
We created an ugly BoJack Horseman sweater and the Netflix CEO wore it oIt was talked about on their earnings call. People liked that. It was talked about on Mashable , Wired , Buzzfeed , Quartz , Business Insider , The Telegraph , Daily Rover , Market Watch , The Guardian , The Hollywood Reporter , The Wrap , The Street, DigiDay , The Verge , The AV Club , and Washington Post.
We made a sadistically boring website (on purpose).
For a chance to go to a premiere party, fans had to prove their love of Orange Is The New Black by lasting as long as possible in a digital solitary confinement. They had to stay on the site without closing the window, changing tabs, or even moving their cursor out of the frame. Surprisingly, fans loved it.